Throughout life you realize there are many advantages and/or perks of being short (like me) but oddly enough no one realizes them. Nothing is as cute as your girlfriend trying to reach a jar of coffee or sugar on the top shelf of the kitchen cabinet. 10 Perks Of Being Short 1. You will never have to worry about legroom. 2. You do not have to bend over to not hit your head on something. 3. You can shop in the kids' section. 4. You are a pro at crowd weaving. 5. You can fit in almost any bed size. 6. You will forever look young. 7. You will be extremely good at limbo. Basically they get laid easier. Sometimes even the children's section. Advantage To Being Short For Sports 2. 537 Hits - LUKEMAN RICHARD - Jun 1, 2020, 1:56 PM Facebook Twitter Linkedin Pinterest reddit VK Email 1. Being short doesn't make you power-hungry, demanding, or give you something to prove. 3. Studies claim that short guys are less wealthy, less powerful, less sexually attractive, and generally less happy than everyone else. I'm a shrimp. Like, when you go travel, you can disguise yourself as a student and avail student discounts and rates for various public services, including transport. 309Write - Advantages Of Being Short. But besides being an armrest to every person you meet, you’re a best friend to many, ’cause you know, they say, short girls make great friends as they are incredibly trustworthy. 1. Advantages 1 - Legroom on planes / rear seat in cars is never an issue. If someone touches your toe and nose at the same time, you feel it simultaneously; but really … Read on as we tell you why dating a short girl is the most wonderful experience ever. Being short can put the odds in your favor with being faster than taller people in most cases. A study published in the journal PLoS One revealed that the taller you are, the more prone it … 3 An old basketball adage says that you "can't coach size." Thehusband K. Juvyt • 7 years ago Both men and women are increasingly falling for partners who are short in height while a distinct advantage enjoyed by short people that cut across age is their own uniqueness as a brand. Another advantage is that if I fall, I don't have as far to go before reaching the ground. Tumblr. Even though sample sizes are rarely petites, being short often allows dresses made for very tall rail-thin models to glide over your curvy, normal-sized body because the proportions somehow make up for each other. And there are numerous claims about short people having fewer health issues. In fact, according to research by Dr. Sigrid Braekkan at the University of Tromso in Norway taller people are two and a half times more likely to develop venous Thromboembolism (VTE). Short girls are able to … 9. The best moment with her is when she pulls you down so she can whisper in your ears. People of Shorter Height Have Physical Advantages Sure, those who are shorter sometimes can't reach the top shelf. He makes a nice little spoon too. Believe me, being short is only good if you're a woman, NOT if you're a guy. The chance of dating any guy literally increases when you are a short girl. There are other potential physical advantages … Don’t get me wrong, every size and shape is beautiful, just how God made them; however, I have come up with a list of 11 advantages to being short just for kicks. For one thing, I can easily walk under cabinets that people leave open in the kitchen! 7 Undeniable Reasons Being Short Is The Best | HuffPost Life Cherish the opportunity! It is also a way to enjoy their own individuality and they can fit in everywhere. The Short List: 5 Advantages To Being Diminutive. 3 - You could be a jockey. cheaper studio, lion' s clothes l No one can squash you dre Sometimes this can be a bit of a nuisance, both in a practical sense and in how people treat you.However, being on the short side does have its advantages, and can make life a lot easier … Benefits Of Being Short. Being faster has a lot of advantages in a fight, it means you’re able to escape easier or possible have faster hand speed. But shorter people of the same proportions as taller people have many physical advantages based on the laws of physics. For instance, people from third world countries are generally shorter in height compared to people from developed countries. Being short is not always a burden, sometimes it’s even a huge advantage. May 13, 201012:00 AM ET. In your 40's you'll be the envy of all tall women. You can get everywhere During parties, events and concerts, tall people will sometimes have to bend in order to move around the crowd or not hit their head into anything. However, being short has several advantages which we've listed here and should never forget! What It' s Like To Be Short when it comes to clothes. I'm 5'10', the average height in America. 2. Unless you are a basketball player, volleyball player, wide receiver, or tennis player, there's not much benefit to being tall. 2 - You can usually shop in the petites AND regular section of clothing shops. 12. There are many advantages to being a smaller size, so this week StarMetro looks at 10 advantages short people have over their taller friends.. . You’ve probably heard it all your life: Being short is a … Those on the shorter side sometimes feel like they have something to prove, and with that being the case, they totally kill it when it comes to professional success. I can duck and weave in large crowds, particularly in Disneyland, quickly and easily. This is definitely one of the best benefits of being short. you' got options. 3. Being pint-sized can pay off in your relationships, your health—and even in the bedroom. These are the four scientific advantages of being a short person: 1. Short guys don't have a Napoleon complex. If you’re shorter than the average person, life can come with a few difficulties, like never being able to see at concerts. Focus on the physical advantages. P.S. … Several recent studies show it’s good to be a short guy. Recently I feel like there have been a few myTakes and questions on height and the comments are usually a minefield of people citing disadvantages and being bitter about being short. My grandma, at 5’2”, started early in teaching me the benefits of being short: 1. Indeed, you had to kiss your dreams of becoming the next Victoria’s secret model goodbye and you can’t reach the last shelves in the supermarket to get your hands on the Kaya jam. For one, you likely build and retain muscles more easily. These advantages are supported by many researchers. There are many benefits of being short I'd like to discuss in this post. 2. 1. In order to cheer up these people who are below average height my list will lean towards the advantages of being short. Being short can be an advantage in large crowds. The disadvantages of being short are numerous. Short … When you are single, you have the advantage of dating pretty much any guy you meet. You see, being short, has some amazing advantages. Being a short girl means that you have the advantage of being able to maneuver around people in large crowds. 7 Undeniable Reasons Being Short Is The Best 1. Being short could lower your risk for certain cancers. 2. You’re less likely to have blood clots. 3. You may have more sex (if you’re a guy). 4. You’re also less likely to encounter stressful life events. 5. You could be a better distance runner. 6. Shorter people may live longer. I just focused on the guy's perspective. How to Use Shortness to Your Advantage in Basketball. If I played in the NBA, I'd probably be listed at 6'. 11 Advantages to Being Short You can sit in any car and never have to worry about not having enough leg room. Dresses or shorts that are way too short on the average Joe ( or should I say Josie! ) are just right for you. People automatically think you're cute and have a tendency to look out for you. More items... 1. Advantages of being short. Short people like you can use Legos for steps and not break a sweat. You will live longer. Some of us didn't take as long as others!” 3. This is attributed to their poor nutrition and inadequate living conditions. Date any guy without worries. 99% it would be evident that the guy would be taller than you. Evidence suggests that shorter people live longer lives. STANDING at 157cm, I … Tall order is passé. Well, being the optimist I am and bringer of good vibes, I decided to list some positives about being short. At least one advantage of being short is you get to be in front for all pictures taken every time. Sometimes it makes my life harder by being so short, but there are also advantages. Even small heels make you feel like a super model. I'm a 5'9 man so I'm not even THAT small, but I'm all too aware of the preference women have for tall men. Here are more advantages of being the short guy at a party 1. There are, however, a few definite advantages. Jerks come in … Even Kim enjoys being short and her husband is 5’8”. No matter how much fun kids make it look, the literature suggests that life for short guys generally falls short. Good news for Danny DeVito! Being short comes with a heap of health benefits, such as a longer life expectancy and lower risk of cancer. With being short comes tiny feet and with tiny feet comes cheaper (kids) shoes. OK, everyone, let's get this straight: You cannot refer to short people as "pint-sized," "mini" or "elf-like." 1. One of the disadvantages of being short is poor performance. Although short and tall people generally score the same in terms of intelligence and skills, short people have trouble performing with tasks that require a certain height. You always look younger than your age. Ever been to a concert and wished you could get closer? Being short definitely has its set of negatives. One of the biggest advantages of being a person of short stature is that you are less likely to develop blood clots. My parents were both short and they passed on the short genes to me - I stand about 5'2. You hardly see a short person being fat at the same time. 13. 22. I wasn’t exactly blessed in the height department, being just under 5’3" tall. You can sit in any car and never have to worry about not having enough leg room. Being short is often seen as a sign of poor health. Tumblr. You are a pro at basic sewing skills. They have to do a lot of exercise going up and down the kitchen. Linton Weeks. However, being less than 1.60 m has some pretty cool advantages too. The Pros and Cons of Being Short. Let’s look at some pros and cons of being a short girl. Many people think that in order to be a great basketball player, you have to be tall and play above the rim, pulling down rebounds, blocking shots and throwing down monster dunks. “Short people: God only lets things grow until they're perfect. Even if you're not really into it, it's nice to have the option. Our Feet Have Never Fallen Off The Bed Being short means being … Not all high achievers are giants among men, of course (Winston Churchill and Martin Luther King exuded charisma despite being on the short side). Though it may not always feel like it, there are some definitive advantages to being a short male. I firmly believe being tall is overrated.
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