Viral growth is measured using the viral coefficient—or the k factor — which is calculated as: In order for virality to exist, k must be greater than 1. This company provides a SaaS product which experiences a viral coefficient, K=0.45. Sure, it’s great for branding, but how do you get leads out of it? In order to grow virally, your product needs to have a viral coefficient greater than 1. Design viral loop. Word-of-mouth marketing is a significant factor in business growth: when existing customers assist in acquiring new ones, your growth can be exponential. etc. Lead Velocity Rate (LVR) – Find out how fast your lead database is growing; this metric will tell you if you’re constantly attracting more new people to your product or if interest is waning. Viral contents can be easily seen on social media (Facebook, Instagram, tiktok, Weibo), video hosting platforms (Youtube, iQiYi,, and forums (Reddit, Quora). Customer Engagement Score . Take your current number of … Simply put, it … On average per week, CXL shares their newsletter which includes updates from the blog, growth tips, resources, latest workshops + much more from their community. However, the viral coefficient, K 04. SaaS metrics calculator for marketers and product managers. It gives you the number of new users that your existing user is referring to your business. While there are varying computations that will determine your business’ viral coefficient, it’s mainly based on the current number of users over how … As a subscription based business, SaaS companies need to pay ultra close attention to metrics that show their ability to generate recurring revenue, retain customers, and to attract DOES YOUR SAAS HAVE THE WHOLE FUNNEL COVERED? Strictly defined it should mean "the number of cases that are expected to occur on average in a homogeneous population as a result of infection by a single individual". But the thing is, this probably won’t help at all getting to $1m in ARR any faster. As an example, a virality coefficient of 1.5 means that every signup brings 0.5 additional signups, so for 100 signups, you actually get 150. Only engaged users who love your product will be willing to share it. Having a viral coefficient will be hugely beneficial to hitting growth targets. Indeed, traditional SaaS metrics, like customer acquisition cost (CAC), will help. To the more concrete tips: Work closely with analytics Tweet. Tracking the key SaaS metrics and KPIs is the bread and butter for any SaaS business. The product delivered an incredibly powerful and useful tool that was easy to use and free. As previously discussed, virality is the ability to grow on the merits of referrals from qualified customers who have successfully used the software and gained value from it. The viral coefficient measures the number of new customers generated through existing customers. Imagine you are starting a new company that plans to acquire customers through viral growth. So, if your average user is generating an average of two users through referrals over their customer lifecycle, you get a viral coefficient of 2. The formula is simple: In a SaaS business, ARR is the measure of recurring revenue on an annual basis. Dropbox replaced the onerous process of using FTP or local file servers with a simple, drag-and-drop interface that allowed instant access from any computer on the web. Viral Coefficient; Conversion Rate to Customer; Stickiness Ratio; Net Promoter Score (NPS) Calculation; Tips. Edited excerpt from The Low Viral Coefficient of SaaS, And Why That’s Just Fine by Jason Lemkin: Whatever you do, make your first 10, 20, 30, 100 customers happy. Read Article . If the Net Promoter Score helps reveal the intention of customers, the Viral Coefficient helps measure their action: allowing you to calculate how many new customers each existing customer is referring to your business: Customer referrals can be a powerful growth engine, and one fueled almost entirely by customer success. Segment your viral strategy, based on your most active users. You have several friends that you use to become your first customers, and they in turn start inviting friends to join, and those friends start inviting friends, etc. Viral Coefficient vs. The presentation covers the basic metrics that any SaaS company should have at a minimum. 6 – Viral Coefficient. As with other key SaaS metrics, tracking expansion MRR rate in isolation can be misleading - particularly if churn is also increasing. Viral Coefficient: Viral Coefficient is the number of users or referrals a user can generate for you.. And it’s not just the stock market; valuations for privately owned SaaS businesses are also flying high. May 11, 2016 - Explore 1st In SEO's board "SaaS", followed by 3648 people on Pinterest. The most recent and celebrated feedback loop is the viral coefficient or k-factor which Facebook applications optimize to grow their user bases. The second key metric in optimizing your viral business model is the viral cycle time. Meticulous measurement of the SaaS metrics core to business growth A SaaS (software as a service) business faces a unique set of challenges in growing their business and acquiring new customers. Trending SaaS Metrics to make a big difference to your business down the line. If 1 in 5 of your users will successfully recruit a new user in their first month, your viral factor is 1/5 = 0.2, and our initial 5,000 users will recruit another 5,000 * 0.2 = 1,000 users in month 1. Viral Coefficient. Our friends over in B2C talk a lot about… So this means if your viral coefficient is 2 then each of your current customer is bringing in 2 customers to your business. How smart SaaS businesses define retention High LTV can usually be found in transactional or subscription businesses. Virality is the inherent incentive for customers to refer friends or colleagues to your company. It calculates the so called virality that accelerates company growth No. Website conversion rates have quite a bit of variance depending on the industry and business model. Productivity. But whatever it is, your business will grow post-Scale at an Organic Growth Rate — and quite cost-effectively in fact. Any results surpassing 1 means that your company is growing exponentially. Simply put, a viral coefficient is a number which tells you how many new users a current user is referring to your business. You need to choose your growth engine and act accordingly. Customers retained by a SaaS business are more likely to expand their own usage (leading to upsell opportunities) and to invite other customers (increasing your viral coefficient) — both of these are vital to the long-term success of most SaaS businesses. The 10X Club + 10 Years. How 3 Top SaaS Sales Teams Follow up with a High-Ticket Lead; How to Create Powerful Social Proof with Free Survey Tools; How to Work Out Your SaaS Viral Coefficient (and Why You Should) Should Your Startup Hire a Chief Revenue Officer? Increasing the rate of conversion increases the viral coefficient. 4: If a company is beating/raising less than normal they are probably behind plan . That's because otherwise the number of customers will be declining over time. 05. One area we haven’t talked as much about is getting from say $100k in ARR to Initial Traction, or $1-$2m in ARR. introduction above. Viral coefficient tells the growth of your customer base that has taken place by successful customers’ referrals. Customer Engagement Score . Relevant SaaS Metrics and KPIs: If you’re adding Expansion MRR Rate to your SaaS dashboard , you might want to also consider tracking these related SaaS metrics for context. Viral Coefficient: Measures the growth of your customer base as a result of successful customer referrals. However, the viral coefficient tells you how well your customers are spreading the news about your product. As an example, a virality coefficient of 1.5 means that every signup brings 0.5 additional signups, so for 100 signups, you actually get 150. 3: Product-led growth SaaS companies should be analyzed similar to internet - downloads, intensity of usage, viral coefficient. The model at this stage has the following inputs: The first thing that we need to calculate is the number of new customers that each existing customer is able to successfully convert. The viral coefficient represents the number of additional customers you get for each customer. 03. This metric calculates the exponential referral cycle - sometimes called virality - that accelerates company growth. 4) Viral coefficient. 2. One caveat I’d add is that you can’t take it for granted that your free users will have the same viral coefficient (or k-factor) as your paid users. Don’t get me wrong, data is a … If you choose the viral growth engine, you must have the viral coefficient greater than one. Viral coefficient = Average number of invitations sent existing user x conversion rate of invitation. The formula looks like this: (#) Invitations Sent per User x … The Low Viral Coefficient of SaaS, And Why That’s Just Fine By Jason M. Lemkin on January 13, 2015 We’ve talked a lot on SaaStr about how to get from $1m to $10m, $2m to $5m, $10m to $30m, etc. Understanding and improving the viral coefficient of your SaaS solution is a crucial part of achieving explosive, 'viral' growth. In simple terms, a viral coefficient is SaaS. If you’d like to dig deeper into viral growth in SaaS, check out this great post by my colleague, Louis. Startup Metric #6 Viral Coefficient. You should focus on the viral coefficient. 05. K-Factor is a term borrowed from epidemiology, where it's more commonly known as the viral coefficient or R0. SaaS is really hard to build into cause there are so many competitive softwares. 03. Two more than the original number of users. 17. 5) VIRAL COEFFICIENT. 05. Viral Coefficient; Industry Benchmarks. Let’s still assume that we lose 10% of our users. This is especially true for SaaS based products which generally work on a freemium model. Viral Coefficient = Current customer base x average # of invitations sent by customers x conversion rate of sent invitations / current customer base. It can’t compound that quickly, generally, to 100% or more. It indicates how willing your existing customers are to promote your product, and how successful it is when they do. Viral Coefficient = (Number of Users*Average number of referrals*Referral Conversion Rate)/Number of Users Viral Coefficient. Generally though, ecommerce conversion rates are lower coming in between 1.84% and 3.71% - while the average conversion … CXL. Viral contents can be easily seen on social media (Facebook, Instagram, tiktok, Weibo), video hosting platforms (Youtube, iQiYi,, and forums (Reddit, Quora). Viral Coefficient. The K factor or viral coefficient measures how many new, secondary users, an individual new user helps you acquire over their lifetime. For SaaS companies, if the software… What is the K Factor/ Viral Coefficient? The K factor or viral coefficient measures how many new, secondary users, an individual new user helps you acquire over their lifetime. Because the viral coefficient, the word-of-mouth coefficient, of SaaS is real — but low. Viral Coefficient = Current customer base x average # of invitations sent by customers x conversion rate of sent invitations / current customer base. Productivity. To measure virality, calculate your viral coefficient. Because the viral coefficient, the word-of-mouth coefficient, of SaaS is real — but low. invitations sent per user x (%) conversion rate = Viral Coefficient Calculating virality requires appropriate tracking first. Attention Deficit . If it is a good product, then these beta users will then tell their friends and so on. The Viral Coefficient, simply put, is the average number of new users your existing users can acquire over their lifetime as a customer/client. Viral Coefficient – This metric can show you how quickly and how widely your marketing message spreads online. Understanding and improving the viral coefficient of your SaaS solution is a crucial part of achieving exponential growth. Here’s how to calculate your K Factor or Viral coefficient, according to Culttt: Take your current number of users (let’s call it 100) It helps you to do the math or simply understand what's behind the calculation, from the popular CAC and churn to Viral Coefficient and Cash Runway. The most common virality metrics are viral coefficient and cycle time. Marketing. 5: Press release velocity does not equal R&D productivity. Conclusion. Recall that virality is achieved when K>1, in which case marketers would have no need to spend money if such growth occurred through involuntary recommendations, forwarding and adoption of the product. The SaaS go-to-market strategy of a B2B company is in many ways similar to the battle strategy of the Roman army; a well-thought out plan of attack will greatly increase your chances of survival, and ultimately, victory. Read Article . This turns out to be an extremely important variable, and is known as the 04. The viral coefficient is 1000 x 7 x 0.2 / 1000 = 1.4. If you're still overlooking this SaaS metric, you're missing out on untapped revenue and opportunities for growth. Simply put, your Viral Coefficient tells you how many new users a current user is referring to your business. Indeed, traditional SaaS metrics, like customer acquisition cost (CAC), will help. ... Focus on driving the viral coefficient. I won't fixate on this because I talk about it a lot - but simply put, the single biggest indicator of customer success is your customer churn rate. That term is viral coefficient. To break down and simplify ‘Viral loop’ as a concept, we can understand it as the continuous process of sharing and inviting people in your network, who will continue to share and invite people in their network.. As you can imagine, being able to design viral loop and establish this cycle can create powerful results. Viral Coefficient This is a measure of how well a company’s customers help acquire new customers through word-of-mouth referrals. It is simple to define. The viral coefficient is the average number of customers each customer brings you. For SaaS companies, if the software is good, the individual users will then refer the software to their friends, teams, and companies. 04. The Viral Coefficient (k-factor) is the total number of registrations per unique inviting user. Metrics include: ARPU MRR ARR Churn LTV CPA Growth NPS Viral Coeffici… Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. Divide the number of new users by the number of existing users to find your viral coefficient (200 / 100 = 2). The viral coefficient is the number of new people divided by the number of users you started with; in this case, 750/1000 = 0.75. That’s just the math of a low viral coefficient. Net Promoter Score . This SaaS metric determines how many new customers your current customers bring in to the business. The army of Germania were outmatched in numbers, but more crucially, they were out-thought in strategy. Edited excerpt from The Low Viral Coefficient of SaaS, And Why That’s Just Fine by Jason Lemkin: Whatever you do, make your first 10, 20, 30, 100 customers happy. The network idea that is more relevant to SaaS businesses focuses on something called the “K factor” or the “viral coefficient.” The viral coefficient is the number of new users generated by existing users. Calculating a Viral Coefficient: Current # of users (let’s say 100) Multiply by the avg. If you are not in the SaaS world, we will dissect both these acronyms: Customer Lifetime Value (CLV): Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) is the sum total of money you predict to make from a customer. Since it reduces the CAC, it is a vital metric to keep an eye on. In the Business Models section, we looked at the perfect business model: Viral customer acquisition with good monetization. Viral Coefficient = (# of Users x Average # of Referrals x Referral Conversion Rate) / … Therefore, the higher your viral coefficient, the faster your company growth rate will be. If you are a SaaS company then you are 99.999% unlikely to go viral and it will take a long time to engineer any form of virality. Under this scenario, we … Meanwhile, Userlane advocates using a viral coefficient in which “the value indicates how many new customers you can expect to acquire through referrals of each existing customer…Such coefficient of advocacy is defined as viral since it possesses intrinsic exponential characteristics that might allow your business to spread like fire!” As Jason Lemkin writes: It really wasn’t until the end of Year 2 that viral really kicked in. … Customer Lifetime Value . The viral coefficient is the average number of customers each customer brings you. by Jason Lemkin | Blog Posts, Marketing, Metrics. 1) Customer Churn Rate. Viral Coefficient simply tells you how many users are being referred by existing customers to your business. Viral Coefficient This is a measure of how well a company’s customers help acquire new customers through word-of-mouth referrals. Posted on May 5, 2014 by Eric Benjamin Seufert. It can’t compound that quickly, generally, to 100% or more. Net Promoter Score . This metric measures the organic growth of your company. Read Article . Facebook live SaaS viral coefficient. Having a viral coefficient greater than 1 is a great signal for the business’s prospective future. The shorter the viral cycle, the faster … However, the viral coefficient tells you how well your customers are spreading the news about your product. Startup Metric #6 Viral Coefficient. See more ideas about saas, infographic, cloud computing. To model your viral growth rate, download this calculator from … It helps you to do the math or simply understand what's behind the calculation, from the popular CAC and churn to Viral Coefficient and Cash Runway. Freemium, as a business model, is not fairly well defined from an academic perspective — that is, its application to, and implementing in, software products is guided largely by existing precedent. Viral Coefficient is the number of new users an existing user generates. In that case, you’ll need to start analyzing your data to find out the best ways to improve your business . This metric measures the organic growth of your company. This includes cross-selling and upselling. etc. The viral coefficient is calculated by: (Number of Active Users x Average Number of Referrals x Referral Conversion Rate) / (Number of Active Users) To create a viral loop, you need to incentivize your existing users to boost referrals. Tracking the key SaaS metrics and KPIs is the bread and butter for any SaaS business. To work out your viral coefficient, you can use the formula below (I've added a worked example to help). Viral Coefficient measures how many new customers your current customers are able to pull in over their lifetime. Perfected by consumer internet companies as early as Hotmail (before it was bought by Microsoft), Airbnb, and Gmail—as well as newer internet software darlings like Dropbox, Slack, and every successful social network ever—virality is every SaaS startup’s dream. Net Promoter Score (NPS) NPS measures the likelihood of a customer to promote or recommend your product to another customer. The greater your viral coefficient, the faster your company will grow. Generally speaking, there are two ways (and only two ways) to scale a business to hit that $100 million threshold: Your business has a high Life Time Value (LTV) per user, giving you the freedom to spend a significant amount of money in customer acquisition. Viral Coefficient. For example, a company determines that on average each user sends out 7 invitations for new users to join, on average the conversion rate of those invitations is 20% and there are current 1,000 customers. Lessons Learned – Viral Marketing A short study of this web site reveals that a hugely important factor for success in startup companies is finding ways to acquire customers at a low cost. Conclusion. Usually a startup will start with inviting friends to use the product. Tweet. But whatever it is, your business will grow post-Scale at an Organic Growth Rate — and quite cost-effectively in fact. Bold Metrics is a simple calculator based in a hand-picked selection of SaaS metrics. This is the amount of time it takes for a user to pass through the entire viral cycle. The act of two parties together signing a contract inherently exposes EchoSign to millions of new potential users per month. SaaS 2 weeks ago. Breaking Down Profit. But the thing is, this probably won’t help at all getting to $1m in ARR any faster. The virality is defined by the KPI known as the Viral Coefficient, which is discussed above. The hustle stage is over and it’s time to slide into the growth stage. For SaaS entrepreneurs, discovering your SaaS product is ‘going viral’ is a bit like when film producers have a box-office smash hit on their hands. Don’t just focus on the “share my product” – but also on the how your product draws the next user in. A successful SaaS business is one that is able to convert its existing customers into promoters. A measure of how quickly and how widely a marketing message spreads online. Marketing. Viral Coefficient. Viral growth is measured using the viral coefficient—or the k factor—which is calculated as: k = the number of invitations sent by each customer * the % conversion rate of each invite ‍In order for virality to exist, k must be greater than 1. Against this backdrop, a colleague recently shared with me commentary from a similarly frothy time for software businesses. SaaS. The Ultimate SaaS Metrics Guide to Smarter, Faster Growth; 87 Must-Try SaaS Growth Hacking Strategies Next post: The Android-First Social Network Next . The viral coefficient is a metric that determines the number of new users generated by referrals from existing customers. The resulting model will look like this: The metric is merely an estimate of a company’s virality, a term used to describe the exponential referral cycle. KPI: Viral Coefficient. The viral coefficient is an equally efficient way to find your happy customers. 11 SaaS Metrics to Measure (and improve) For Growth. # of invitations or referrals sent (100 x 10 = 1000) Any results surpassing 1 means that your company is growing exponentially. 04. Trending SaaS Metrics to make a big difference to your business down the line. K-Factor Definition. The Viral Coefficient (K-Factor). Today, I'm taking a look at 5 of the most revealing SaaS customer success metrics - from the ever-present customer churn rate, through to your SaaS product's viral coefficient. 05. 6: Billings are usually pulled forward so someone can make their number Usually a startup will start with inviting friends to use the product. The list of SaaS metrics you can measure and analyze is long… some might say unnecessarily long. One area we haven’t talked as much about is getting from … Echosign had a K of 0.2 and had a CT of 8 months. The K factor or viral coefficient measures how many new, secondary users, an individual new user helps you acquire over their lifetime. For SaaS companies, if the software is good, the individual users will then refer the software to their friends, teams, and companies. How to grow your business using Instagram [Live Interview & insights] Instagram is a social network not many businesses were able to figure out. Valuations for publicly traded SaaS businesses are bananas right now. For that to happen, users must be able to promote the product by using it. The Low Viral Coefficient of SaaS, And Why That’s Just Fine. The viral coefficient is the number of new people divided by the number of users you started with; in this case, 750/1000 = 0.75. The Defining Characteristics of Successful SMB SaaS Startups. Viral Coefficient vs. Eventually a SaaS growth loop will stop if the viral coefficient is less than one. Unfortunately, your viral coefficient is about equal to the number of seconds you have to convince your latest prospect to stick around. Once the SaaS has a hundred users you should start getting to a point where things become streamlined and smoother. Net Promoter Score . Bold Metrics is a simple calculator based in a hand-picked selection of SaaS metrics. What is a Viral Coefficient? ‍Track the viral coefficient—the A shorter viral cycle time results in more accelerated growth for the company. How to Calculate Viral Coefficient? The viral coefficient can be calculated by dividing the total number of users generated by referrals from existing customers by the total number of customers. Your viral coefficient is 2. This means that when we acquire 100 users via our regular customer acquisition efforts, we get additional 40 more through the viral loop. But let’s also assume a virality coefficient of 0.4. Attention Deficit . If the viral coefficient is greater than 1, say 1.2, then at the end of the first cycle, 12 (10*1.2) users will be acquired. We’ve talked a lot on SaaStr about how to get from $1m to $10m, $2m to $5m, $10m to $30m, etc. A viral coefficient is a number which tells you how many customers each is your present customer bringing to you on an average. CXL has one of the best blogs on everything growth marketing which always contains incredible value for marketers & founders from beginners to advanced. If, however, that conversion rate falls to 5%, you’ll have a negative Viral Coefficient (0.5) = No Viral Growth. C(0) = the number of customers at the beginning of the time period you're measuring
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