In fact, Rule 3 of the Rules of Tennis (2) states that when a tennis ball is dropped from a height of 100 inches (254.00 cm.) 14,250. Repeat steps 11 and 12 for the ping pong ball. Try bouncing them on a cookie sheet for fantastic sound effects! Determine how high the ball rebounds on its first bounce. Data Tables: Experiment 1 – Type of Ball _____ Drop Height (cm) Bounce Height (cm) Trial 1 Trial 2 3 Average Experiment 2 – Type of Ball _____ Drop Height (cm) It’s best if the person recording the height is sitting on the floor for the most accurate perspective. Pick one of the balls and ask students to brainstorm some ways to make the ball bounce higher (Increase the force with which you bounce the ball to the ground, raise the height from which the ball is thrown, add more air to balls such as basketballs, into which air can be pumped, etc.) The compressibility of a tennis ball is specified and tested under static conditions, and the coefficient of restitution, e, is specified and tested for a low speed collision with a concrete slab. The differences in bounce height depend on the style of construction as well as the material the balls are made of. Have them list all the variables they think will affect ball bounce. Drop (do not throw) the ball from a carefully measured height using the meter stick. There are many reasons, including the difficulty of dropping the ball perfectly, air drag, the non-zero ratio of masses, etc. I will be comparing the results from testing varying amounts of internal pressure for the largest ball and their corresponding maximum heights of the smallest ball to see if there is any relation. The uncertainty of the average bounce height is the range of the bounce heights (high-low) divided by 2. A drop each ball onto different surfaces. A legal tennis ball has to have a 138 to 151 cm rebound from a hard surface when dropped from a height of 254 cm under carefully controlled lab conditions. Baseballs have less bounce than tennis balls or golf balls. In experiments the independent variable is changed to see what effect the changes have on the dependent variable. 3,625. Measure from the bottom of the ball. From wikipedia: Tennis balls begin to lose their bounce as soon as the tennis ball can is opened and can be tested to determine their bounce. Step 3: Drop two balls (one at a time) and record the height that they bounced after hitting the floor. He found that Y = 3/4 X, where X represents the dropped heights and Y represents the bounce heights. The range of the average height of the bounces was 42.33 cm. BACKGROUND: TABLE TENNIS The official rules of table tennis specify the characteristics and properties of a ping-pong ball: ‘The ball shall be spherical, with a diameter of 38mm. Bouncing Ball Experiment This experiment requires a ball that will bounce and a meter stick or other measuring device. Drop (do not throw) the ball from a carefully measured height using the meter stick. Measure from the bottom of the ball. One ball will be kept at room temperature for a control. From the experiment, once the tennis ball was dropped, potential energy transformed into kinetic and once the ball bounced on the concrete surface the energy again transformed into elastic potential energy once the ball was squashed and then back to kinetic energy to a certain height lower than the initial meaning some energy was lost to heat and sound of the tennis ball. 1. A) One B) Two C) Three D) Four The higher air pressure will increase the height of the bounce because the ball will have more force coming off of the ground. According to the USTA regulations ball is tested for bounce by dropping it from a height of 100 inches (2.54 m) onto ; a bounce between 53 and 58 inches (1.3462 - 1.4732 m) is acceptable One problem; the linear relation between drop height and rebound height doesn't work if the height … The ball used in this experiment would be a tennis ball, and it will be dropped on the same surface each experiment. Have each group set up a testing station and follow the directions on their ―Height of Rebound‖ work-sheet. When I do this the tennis ball bounces much higher than one meter. However, by far the most important reason is that collisions are not elastic. This experiment requires a ball that will bounce and a meter stick or other measuring device. Repeat 6 times to obtain 6 marks. To measure the bounciness of a ball, you can try dropping it from a height onto a hard surface. Results are presented for a tennis ball, a baseball, a golf ball, a Understanding how the ball bounces can help you and your students pick and read shots. Hypothesis: The return height percentage is constant for all drop heights up to the 4th floor (11.97 meters) because the efficiency is always the same, therefore, if the drop height is higher, the bounce height will also be higher. The marble will bounce the least high. Drop ball and mark where the lowest part of the ball is after the first bounce. As part of an experiment, a ball was dropped and allowed to bounce repeatedly off the ground until it came to rest. The ITF drop test is performed from a height of 100 inches, which results in a drop speed of 16 mph and an energy at impact of about 0.083 Joules (J). Measure the height the ball reaches after the first bounce and record. This is due, in large part, to their construction. It might seem like this is a physics cheat to have the tennis ball bounce so much higher than it started (and that's probably why it's so cool to see it). Science begins with observations. Recently, our class completed a bouncing-ball experiment. A Bouncing Ball Experiment. Listen carefully to the distinct sounds of each ball as it bounces. The ball used in this experiment would be a tennis ball, and it will be dropped on the same surface each experiment. Q. Tell the students that today you are going to investigate two of the variables that affect how high a ball bounces: the material the ball is made of and the height that it is dropped. A researcher conducted a similar experiment using rubber-ball and was able to develop a mathematical equation from his results. Record your bounce height data for each ball in the data tables below. I will briefly describe what it is: The machine is configured to serve the ball at a fixed speed to the center of the left (or right) service court Based on the rotation in 3 directions (X,Y,Z) of the ball, the machine would let the ~ Tennis serving machine--- How does a spinning ball bounce? Follow the Bouncing Ball. Dependent Variable: The Bounce (How height is the ball going to Bounce) because of the difference in pressurization. After analyzing all 30 videos in LoggerPro, I was able to find the height of the first bounce of the tennis ball. Results: On average, the rubber bouncy ball will bounce the highest, followed by the ping pong ball. Results. Record the results by measuring the distance from the ground to the paint on the butcher paper. That means your ball isn't legal. Just so, will a ball bounce higher if it is dropped from a greater height? The relationship will be determined by altering the initial height of the ball prior to the release in order for the ball to bounce. This scientific mystery can be demonstrated at home or school with a simple experiment. Drop (do not throw) the ball from a carefully measured height using the meter stick. and 58 inches (147.32 cm. 1. They devise a way to measure the bounce of a ball. Drop a ball from 1 foot off of the floor, slightly in front of a yardstick. (Right) The tennis ball at its maximum rebound height. Each ball in a can is different in weight, diameter, and bounce. Make sure you line up the centre of the balls so that the tennis ball is exactly on top of the basketball. For the first part of my experiment, I will try to find out if the pressure inside the largest ball affects how high the smallest ball will bounce using the setup for an astro blaster. the ball bounces back to the drop height) and the minimum being no elasticity (i.e. Place the video camera on a level that will be able to clearly record the experiment, whilst a person sits beside the tape measurer. In this case, both drop height and bounce height will be measured. (Left) The system at rest at the initial drop height. When looking at bounce ball height, keep your head in the same place to avoid problems with parallax. Choose one ball for the experiment (a tennis ball, racquetball, superball, etc.). The ball is key, the coefficient of restitution is the kinetic energy the ball will exert given the height and weight of the ball and what the ball is made of. A legal tennis ball has to have a 138 to 151 cm rebound from a hard surface when dropped from a height of 254 cm under carefully controlled lab conditions. Watch carefully to see how high it bounces back up. Then do exactly the same with the basketball. Identify the independent variable. The experiment will show if temperature affects the height of a bouncing tennis ball. ). Repeat the steps for each surface. The durability test involved firing each ball 30 times at high speed and oblique angle onto a cutout slab of hardcourt. They can be tested to determine their bounce. Part way. All of these heights can be seen in the table above. Try comparing a baseball to a golf ball or a tennis ball. 1. The bounce of a ball Rod Cross Physics Department, University of Sydney, 2006 Australia ~Received 17 February 1998; accepted 13 August 1998! Use the ball that your players are most comfortable with. Your ball is a bit too lossy, so it's possible that what you measured is correct (for that ball). The tennis ball was then dropped from various heights; 1, 1.5 and 2 meters above a hard surface, using a meter ruler, before it was dropped onto the ground and the resulting bounce height measured. Set a timer, and let them ―experiment‖ with the bouncing of each ball for one minute. Explain why this happened. The 'two-ball bounce problem' is often used to demonstrate that the rigorous rules of physics can produce counter-intuitive effects. being on trials 3 and 5, when the ball … Carpet, stone, grass etc) Students may measure the height of the first bounce or count the amount of times the ball bounces in total when dropped from a specific height. First, the basket-ball bounces off the floor and reverses direction. Baseballs have less bounce than tennis balls or golf balls. 3. At high temperature the bounce of the ball increases as at high temp the energy of molecules is high.On impact it exerts greater pressure,so bounces back to greater height moreover at high temperature rubber become a bit soft and give some extra bounce.At low temperature the energy of molecules is less and ball is hard so its bounce decreases. That's the idea. Give each group a golf ball, tennis ball and rubber ball. Physics: I have an idea of making a tennis serving machine. In this activity, students compare the mass, size, and bounce of sports balls. Hold a ball so its lowest point is at the 1 metre point. Bouncing Ball Experiment . The graph above represents the relationship between the time elapsed after the ball was dropped and the height of the ball above the ground. Annie and Giuliana's science fair experiment tests the hypothesis that warmer tennis balls will bounce higher than frozen ones. Balls may bounce higher after use. The approach was to place 3 tennis balls … This help to greatly increase the accuracy of the experiment. Now hold the basketball in one hand and the tennis ball in the other so that they are poised at the same height above the ground. Drop the tennis ball and get the height of bounce Step 15. A student is planning an experiment to find out how the height from which he drops a ball affects how high the ball bounces. Figure 4 shows that the tennis ball only reaches 3 meters. Use the following diagram as a basic guide to help get you started. Write down the height (37 inches) In this order, I will be able to state which ball can bounce the highest out of a baseball, football, basketball, and tennis ball. This might take a while. Since 3/4 is equal to 75%, then one can conclude that the bounce height is about 75% of the dropped height.
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